What is the Warning Report?
The Linkmoney App Warning Report shows unexpected or potential link problems found on your site.
This post covers the details of what the Warning Report detects and reports.
The Warning Report will not be generated until you create an account, purchase a plan, and run Linkmoney App.
You can view the Linkmoney App first-time starters guide here to see how to get Linkmoney App up and running for the first time.
Watch the Warning Report Video on YouTube
How to get to the Warning Report
You can navigate to any Report by selecting a scan from the Dashboard’s “Available Reports” dropdown menu.
The most current scan is on top. All scan reports are filtered buy the newest scan first.

1. Click the Login button anywhere on LinkmoneyApp.com.

2. Navigate to your Dashboard
The menu is located on the upper right side of the screen, under your email.
Note: Must be logged in to access your Reports.

3. Select a Scan from the Dropdown Box
Choose a Report to view from the dropdown box.
Note: Must be logged in to access your Reports.

4. Click the "Warning Report" Button
This post covers the details of what the Linkmoney App Warning Report detects and reports.
The Warning Report will not be generated until you create an account, purchase a plan, and run Linkmoney App. You can view the Linkmoney App first-time starters guide here to see how to get Linkmoney App up and running for the first time.
The Linkmoney App Warnings Report shows unexpected or potential link problems found on your site. This is a great place to start working through any Warnings we found on your site.
Warning Report Legend

Warning Report Legend Explained
The Warning Report contains vital information on the health and security of your Amazon Affiliate Links.
Here are each of the components of the report explained:
1. Download the Report To Excel file
This is how you can download the Warning Report into an Excel file. Here is more information on How to download the Report in an Excel file.
2. Report Information
This is the name of the site that was scanned, and the time and date it was created.
3. Available Reports
These are all of the Reports created for this Fix Scan.
Note: The Baseline Scan will not have a Detailed Report because nothing is fixed on a Baseline Scan.
4. Pill Filters
These are preset filters for reviewing the Warnings the scan found.
Clicking these will filter out and sort by specific Warnings. For more information on the Pill filters, go here.
5. Clear Filters
Clicking Clear Filters will clear the filters and reset the report.
6. Warning Report Results
This area contains all the Warnings this Fix Scan found.
7. Number of issues found
This is the number of issues found in the Warning Report.
This number changes when you use filters.
How to use the Warning Report
The Warning report is used to track down affiliate links that are broken links or outright going to the wrong place.
Here is how to use the report to get rid of bad, broken, or completely wrong affiliate links that are not earning referral commissions.

There are two main components of the Warning Report:
1. Pre-set filters
The pre-set filters also called “pills”. They are there because these are the common errors we have found on affiliate sites.
You can click on any filter to see the links that have the type of error listed on the filter. Try clicking the Pills.
You can clear the filters by clicking “clear filters” in red.

The pre-set filters, or Pills are:
This shows if the link has a re-direct.
This will show all unsupported links. Unsupported links are links that are on the site but are not supported by Linkmoney App.
These are links that contain Javascript errors. If you affiliate links contain errors, you will not get your Amazon Commissions.
These are links that are completely broken and will need to be fixed manually.
Encoding Problem
This will show links that have Store IDs that are outside the US. If you have links that are outside of the US, and you do not have an Amazon account in that country, you will not get your Amazon Commissions.
No Affiliate
These are links that are missing the Amazon Store tag altogether.
How do I clear the filters?
There is a “clear filters” link on the right side of the report.

Warning Types

2. Warning Types and Descriptions
Warning Descriptions

Linkmoney App breaks out the Warnings into different types:
These are clearly Amazon links, but contain errors. The error types we detect are:
Link has multiple tag values
these links have more than one Amazon Store ID tag in the link.
Amazon product link with no affiliate tag!
These are links that have no Amazon Store ID in the link.
Link is to an unexpected region
These are Amazon links that are outside the US region. If you have affiliate links that go outside the US and do not have an Amazon Associates account in that country, you do not receive your referral commission.
Internal WordPress link found
These are links that go to WordPress logins, Users, and other backend WordPress areas. We display these links as a possible security issue. These links are not to be confused with “Internal Links”.
These are link Warnings related to the content in the link :
Invalid URL / link found
The link that Linkmoney App attempted to process was not found within the HTML (i.e. the text tab of the post editor) in the WordPress post.
This generally happens because that link is managed by a different WordPress plugin that Linkmoney App is unable to automatically fix. These can include existing affiliate link management services such as Geni.us (GeniusLink), EasyAzon, AAWP, etc.
This warning is also produced when Linkmoney App detects the link is not directly in an HTML element in the post and therefore is likely in some other kind of shortcode like AmilinksPro, TablePress, etc.
Linkmoney App will only automatically fix a specific set of supported plugins (todo: AmiLinks Pro) as well as links that are found directly in the post content in an element.
For example, Linkmoney App does detect links such as [awesomeplugin link='
but if it is not a specifically supported plugin or shortcode, it cannot automatically be fixed since the syntax of shortcodes vary widely between these plugin authors and there are thousands of different plugins.
Link has encoding problem with the tag
Link has encoding problem with the tag-
Linkmoney App will warn you when it detects irregularities in the text of your link. The vast majority of links should appear in your post editor / HTML exactly as they appear in the address bar of a browser.
However, it is possible to cut & paste links from the visual mode of the WordPress editor or from other sources that may have encoded that text to be “HTML safe”.
This replaces certain characters / symbols with codes and other HTML escape sequences and is unnecessary for web links. As an example:
could become
Note that typically you can notice when the character &
is replaced with &
and there can even be other characters replaced with hex codes like -
or similar results.

Javascript/ navigation “#” fragment=
Linkmoney App has detected that a link has what is called the “navigation fragment” within it. This means the link has #
within the link – generally at the end. This is often used by javascript libraries to manipulate buttons or other links.
It is also often used to get an “anchor” link to some sub section of a page such as: https://www.somesite.com/mypage #reviews or similar.
Generally speaking these should not be required to link over to an amazon product listing. Using custom javascript libraries or custom buttons can hide or add these unnecessary characters to your link as well as make it difficult to maintain.
Secondly, you might be attempting to link to some sub-head or other region of an amazon product page which should probably be avoided.
The product information at the top of the page should be the target of your link – which does not require any anchor.
Javascript/ navigation “#” fragment=
Linkmoney App has detected that a link has what is called the “navigation fragment” within it. This means the link has #
within the link – generally at the end. This is often used by javascript libraries to manipulate buttons or other links.
It is also often used to get an “anchor” link to some sub section of a page such as: https://www.somesite.com/mypage #reviews or similar.
Generally speaking these should not be required to link over to an amazon product listing. Using custom javascript libraries or custom buttons can hide or add these unnecessary characters to your link as well as make it difficult to maintain.
Secondly, you might be attempting to link to some sub-head or other region of an amazon product page which should probably be avoided.
The product information at the top of the page should be the target of your link – which does not require any anchor.
These are links that link to an Amazon store outside the United States.
If you do not have an Amazon account in another country and you link to that Amazon store, this will result in you not earning your Amazon Commission.
No Affiliate
These are links that are missing an Amazon Affiliate store tag. Amazon links with no store tag will result in you not earning your Amazon Commission.
The Warning Descriptions area of the report describes what error or abnormality Linkmoney App found on a Fix Scan.
The system will fix many of the Warnings in the Report as long as it can understand the intent of the Amazon Affiliate link.
For link errors like Invalid Links and Encoding Problems, they will need to be manually fixed.
Warning Types Filter
You can easily filter the Warning Types by clicking the filter Icon and selecting the Warning you would like to view in the Report.

The Warning Descriptions area of the report describes what error or abnormality Linkmoney App found on a Fix Scan.
The system will fix as many of the Warnings in the Report as it can.
For link errors like Invalid Links and Encoding Problems, they will need to be manually fixed.

Click on the site link in the Description to go to the page with the Warning.
How do I use the Linkmoney App Warning Report?
It’s best to use the Warning Report to hunt down and fix hard to find links that contain errors and identify potential security issues.
Some of the link errors that are found in the Warning Report will still click to Amazon. But because there are issues with the affiliate link, you will not get your Amazon referral commissions.
Go through each error type and replace the link with a good link. Here is how to edit a link in WordPress and fix an error.
How do I download the Linkmoney App Warning Report Excel?
Downloading Linkmoney App Excel reports is easy. In the upper right corner of each report is an “Export as CSV” button.
Click the Download Excel File button and a download begins.

Go to where you download files or your computer’s Download File and open the report.
You can read more about downloading and using CSV reports here “Linkmoney App, How To Download The Excel File“.
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